About us

Breaking silence

"Breaking Silence" is a project of the Eritrean Media Association Switzerland. We are committed to the prevention of violence against women and domestic violence in the Eritrean diaspora.

We are a migrant non-profit organization of Eritreans and non-Eritreans. We are committed to ensuring that Eritreans with a refugee background in Switzerland can participate in shaping public life in Switzerland in a self-determined and socially just manner.

Our vision

Our vision is a society in which Eritrean people do not experience domestic or gender-based violence, where the experiences of victims and gender-specific role models are discussed sensitively and openly, and where perpetrators take responsibility for their actions. To this end, Eritreans should have direct access to support services and information.

Our mission

We produce low-threshold information material to raise awareness among the Eritrean diaspora and disseminate it to the community through online and offline formats.

We work in a participatory manner by continuously exchanging ideas with our sounding board of Eritrean key persons as well as various specialised agencies and partner organisations.

Our inspirations

Eritrean Women Empowerment

Our project was inspired by the project leader, single mother and Femmes Tables facilitator Senait Hadish. She developed short information videos for Eritrean women and mothers in Tigrinya in the project "Eritrean Women Empowerment".

Interview film "Silence"

In the interview film "Silence", made by filmmaker and EMBS staff member Ana Scheu, Eritrean women had their say and talk about why violence against women is not talked about in the Eritrean community.

Talkshow "Domestic Violence"

The EMBS addressed the issue of "Domestic violence in the Corona pandemic" in a talk show. We received a lot of feedback from the community.

Through these experiences, it became clear to us that there was a great need for action. That is why we launched the project "Breaking Silence".



Thanks to our donors, we are able to realise the project Breaking the Silence. We receive project-specific support from public institutions, private foundations and church institutions. Our thanks go to the following institutions and foundations, as well as to our donors who wish to remain anonymous:

Help us with a donation!

If you would like to support our project with a donation, you can transfer your donation to the following account, with the note "Break silence".

CH95 8080 8002 1851 5153 8, Raiffeisenbank Flawil

Eritreischer Medienbund Schweiz, 6032 Emmen

Thank you

We thank you for every kind of support!



There are various ways in which you can support us with your knowledge, your network and your commitment!


Our campaigns are distributed via the EMBS info channel. Support our project by sharing our content with your friends and family!

To publicise our project offer and the opportunities to actively participate, you can share our flyer in your network or distribute it at your organisation. If you would like to order printed flyers, please send us an e-mail with your postal address and the number of flyers you require. Click here for the flyer:

Flyer German/Tigrinya, digital version

Flyer German/Tigrinya, print version

Flyer French/Tigrinya, digital version

Flyer French/Tigrinya, print version


Sounding Board

Are you an Eritrean person who is strongly concerned with the issue of violence against women and domestic violence and would like to be part of the project? We rely heavily on key people from the Eritrean diaspora. Email us at sb@eritreischer-medienbund.ch to be part of the Sounding Board.


Cooperation with specialised agencies and experts is central to the project "Breaking Silence". We are always grateful for access to professional support. Contact us at sb@eritreischer-medienbund.ch so that you can provide us with professional support in our prevention and awareness-raising work.

Partner organisation

Do you also have a project on "violence against women and domestic violence" and would like to network? Do you offer round tables and workshops with Eritrean people, and do you need our materials for conducting talks?

Contact us at sb@eritreischer-medienbund.ch

Key person

Are you a teacher, social worker, pastor, activist, family companion, or in another function where you are in lively exchange with a large network of Eritrean people in Switzerland? Do you think our contents are important? Then contact us and we will include you in our network of multipliers! You will be in a WhatsApp chat with other key Eritrean people, you can contribute your ideas to the EMBS and you will receive our support.


If you have feedback on our project or our information material, please send us an email to sb@eritreischer-medienbund.ch.



For any questions we are available via our e-mail address sb@eritreischer-medienbund.ch.


Media review

Here you can find media articles that report on breaking the silence:

BBC Tigrinya, article, 2023

BBC Tigrinya, tv-programme, 2023